Mon - Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
Free consultation

Empowering Workers with Expert Legal Advice for 25 Years

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One of our team members will review your inquiry and be in touch with you soon. You can expect to hear from us by phone or email, based on the contact information provided.

In the meantime, if you need immediate assistance, please feel free to call us directly at 909-766-2226. We are here to help and look forward to speaking with you soon.

Thank you again for choosing Huprich Law Firm!

If you’re facing unfair treatment in the workplace, being harassed by a supervisor or coworker, or recently terminated for whistleblowing, taking a leave of absence, speaking up against harassment, or some other discriminatory reason, we’ve got your back. Huprich Law was founded on the principles of fighting for the underdog. We have 25 years’ experience in going after unfair employers and corporate greed.

CA Labor & Employment Laws: Links to various California labor and employment law-related websites.